Space is the place
For some people the idea of having a coach may seem like a luxury, especially when you have close friends or family to talk with. However, sometimes those people are too much in your life to be able to see you fully- they are part of the drama and have heads full of their own concerns. It is very difficult to listen to those closest to us! I also struggle with this as I am seeing their words in relation to me as mother, girlfriend or sister.
Timing is an issue too. How often does someone you love come to you when you have just finished your work to ask you their opinion on something complex? Here’s a song to listen to, here are my thoughts on something abstract that you have no attachment to (in this moment). It’s excruciating. Frankly all you want to be doing is scrolling mindlessly through Twitter to give yourself a break from the debris in your own mind.
Often when you get someone’s ‘attention’ it is nowhere near full- they also would prefer to be watching The Bachelor, and who can really blame them? Life is in flux, your mind goes back and forth between focus and inattention constantly. When something unexpected pops up on the agenda it can be hard to clear your mind and listen fully, even when you deeply love someone.
This is why a coach can be such a powerful force for good in your life. We have been trained to listen closely to every word you say- to be aware of the language you are using and to prompt you to explore why you are using the words that you do. We have no attachment to you or your life so have no prejudices and no judgement. There is a beautiful freedom within the coaching relationship that you will rarely find elsewhere.
Each coach also brings their own wisdom to the conversation, so we all have our own individual approach. My aim is to encourage my clients to use creativity as a way of learning about their own wisdom, to take the heaviness out of making and to eradicate the feelings of guilt and insecurity around the creative process as they have no business being there. I believe that art can function as a catalyst for self-acceptance and ultimately self-love.
You have a beautiful soul- why not give it a bit of space?